7 Tips for Creating a High Converting Landing Page

As you may know, creating landing pages is a strategy that is used for increasing email sign-ups and for making sales. Here are some tips for making your landing pages as effective as possible for meeting your goals.
1. Your Visitors Should See What They Are Expecting to See When Arriving at Your Landing Page
A visitor can arrive at your landing page in a variety of ways, such as from a search, another site, a link on your site, or an ad. It is important that the message about your landing page from these sources is in alignment with the message on your landing page. This way, when people arrive on your landing page, they will see what they are expecting.
2. Keep Your Page Concise and To the Point
Creating a high converting landing page includes creating a page that is concise and easy to read and understand. Include as much content as you need to for explaining what you are offering, but avoid making your page extremely long just for the sake of having a long page. People may not have time or patience to read through a very long page and can become overwhelmed by too much content.
On a similar note, also keep your opt-in forms as short as possible and only ask for information that it necessary, such as email address and first name. The less information you request from visitors, the more likely it is that your opt-in form will convert.
3. Add Testimonials
Testimonials are an important component of your landing page because they build social proof. They show visitors that other people have already benefited from your offer, product, or service, which builds trust and makes the visitor more likely to take the action you want them to take. To increase the credibility of testimonials, it also helps to add the full name of the person who is providing the testimonial and to use photos of the person or videos.
4. Opt-In Buttons
In general, for getting conversions, opt-in buttons work better than using plain text. Add a call to action text to your button that will make people want to click. Avoid using a basic call to action such as “Submit”. Also, choose a button color that will stand out. Popular colors include orange, red, and green. It is also generally best to make your button large so that it stands out.
5. Remove Distractions from the Page
It is important to remove distractions from the page that may confuse the visitor or cause them to leave. This includes removing the top navigation bar, the sidebar, and links to other pages on your site. If these elements are included and visitors click on them, they may never return to the landing page. Therefore, including these elements is not beneficial for creating a high converting landing page.
6. Make Your Offer Clear
Your copy should clearly state what benefits the visitor will get when they take your offer. Some of these benefits may include results, tools, or strategies, for example. Some examples of offers are e-book downloads, tips for saving money, and video or webinar training.
7. Keep Testing
Small changes can boost your landing page conversions so it is important to test the elements of your page. Some of the elements you might test include the headline and sub-headline, images, copy length, call to action and its location on the page, and design elements such as fonts and colors.