How to Write Website Copy that Engages

When someone lands on your website, one of the first things they look at is the website copy. Your copy needs to quickly and clearly communicate what you offer, otherwise visitors can lose interest fast and leave your site. The words on your website need to inform visitors and build rapport and trust. Here are some tips for how to write website copy that engages your audience.
Creating Great Copy for Your Website
Explain What Your Business Does
The Home Page and About Us pages are the two main pages to focus on to explain what your business does. Remember that your copy represents your brad and helps to build your online reputation. Write for your target audience in their voice. Use words they can easily understand and avoid industry jargon that they may not be familiar with. Also, use a clean website layout that is easy to follow.
On the Home Page, you can include an area where people can sign up to your newsletter, and showcase some things about your business. On the About Us page, you can talk about your company mission and its history.
Include Keywords in Your Copy
One of the essential elements you need to know about for how to write website copy is adding keywords to your text. Adding these keywords will help you to get found in online searches. You can use the free keyword planner by Google to find keywords that are relevant to your business, and its products and services.
Add Images and Video
Simply having written content on your site may not provide enough variety to your audience. You can make your content more attractive and easier to consume by adding relevant images and video. These can be very helpful for explaining how your products and services work.
Add Resources
In addition to having images and video in your content, including resources such as white papers and a blog can also help your audience to understand more about what you do. It also aids in building trust.
Focus on Product or Service Benefits
Rather than focusing on the features of your products or services, focus on the benefits to your customers and how what you offer will help to solve their problem. Consider all the possible objections that customers may have for purchasing from you and give answers for each one.
Compose a Value Statement
Create a value statement for your business. This is basically like an elevator pitch that you would use when meeting someone at a networking event. It is usually a short paragraph with a few key points. In some cases, a headline can also be included.
Your statement should be concise and to the point. It needs to briefly explain to your audience who you are, what you do, who you work with, and what the benefit is of working with you. The purpose of the statement is to get your target audience interested and to want to know more about you and what you do.
You can use your value statement in various places online, such as on your About Page, your LinkedIn profile, and in your email signature.
At Mission Web Marketing, we can help you to create a professional website and great site copy. Get in touch today!